选手名 | KDA | 正补/反补 | 经济 | 每分钟金钱 | 每分钟经验 | 输出 | 输出占比 | 物品 | |
9 | 1/7/1 | 44 / 5 | 5.1K | 230 | 252 | 7.3K | 20% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 Windrun Cannot Be Dispelled Focus Fire Kills Advance Cooldown by 20s. +0.65s Shackleshot Duration -16% Focus Fire Damage Reduction -15% Powershot Damage Reduction -3s Windrun Cooldown +225 Windrun Radius -2s Shackleshot Cooldown | |
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8 | 2/9/2 | 25 / 1 | 4.2K | 190 | 205 | 9.5K | 27% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 -25s Laguna Blade Cooldown Laguna Blade damage is Pure +11% Spell Amplification +10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack +250 Health +130 Light Strike Array Damage +20 Damage -3.5s Dragon Slave Cooldown | |
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8 | 0/6/3 | 48 / 4 | 5.0K | 226 | 219 | 8.4K | 23% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +0.8s Hoof Stomp Duration Gains Retaliate Aura -25s Stampede Cooldown +45 Retaliate Damage +15 Strength +40% Double Edge Strength Damage +5 Health Regen +20 Movement Speed | |
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7 | 2/7/1 | 24 / 8 | 4.5K | 205 | 171 | 5.8K | 16% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 Debuff Immunity Inside Power Cogs -0.25s Battery Assault Interval Rocket Flare True Sight +75 Rocket Flare Damage +2 Power Cogs Hit To Kill +24 Battery Assault Damage -2s Rocket Flare Cooldown -2s Power Cogs Cooldown | |
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11 | 2/5/2 | 81 / 7 | 6.7K | 305 | 325 | 4.2K | 11% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +3 Multishot Waves +12% Marksmanship Chance -4s Gust Cooldown +25% Multishot Damage -8s Multishot Cooldown Gust Reveals Invisible Units +15% Gust Self Movement Speed +15 Frost Arrow Damage | |
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选手名 | KDA | 正补/反补 | 经济 | 每分钟金钱 | 每分钟经验 | 输出 | 输出占比 | 物品 | |
14 | 9/0/5 | 134 / 39 | 14.1K | 640 | 531 | 10.6K | 19% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 -60s Sanity's Eclipse Cooldown +2% Arcane Orb Damage +20 Strength +0.15 Sanity's Eclipse Mana Difference Multiplier +100 Astral Imprisonment Cast Range +30 Movement Speed +20 Attack Speed +200 Health | |
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16 | 9/0/10 | 184 / 19 | 15.6K | 708 | 665 | 15.4K | 28% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 Triple Strike Stifling Dagger +7% Coup de Grace chance +20% Stifling Dagger Damage +60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed +250 Phantom Strike Cast Range +25% Blur Evasion +0.5s Phantom Strike Duration -2s Stifling Dagger Cooldown | |
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12 | 2/4/23 | 11 / 4 | 7.5K | 341 | 415 | 7.4K | 13% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 -40s Overgrowth Cooldown 450 AoE Living Armor +8 Living Armor Bonus Armor +45 Leech Seed Damage/Heal +30 Nature's Grasp Damage +18% Leech Seed Movement Slow +2 Living Armor Heal Per Second -5s Nature's Grasp Cooldown | |
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13 | 5/3/14 | 103 / 8 | 11.9K | 543 | 445 | 11.5K | 21% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 1.5x Flesh Heap Stack Str and Damage Block bonuses 1.8x Dismember Damage/Heal -4s Meat Hook Cooldown +0.75s Dismember Duration +120 Meat Hook Damage +8% Spell Lifesteal +4 Armor -16% Rot Slow | |
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13 | 9/0/13 | 51 / 6 | 11.0K | 499 | 479 | 9.1K | 16% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +135 Bushwhack Radius 2 Acorn Shot Charges -4 Armor Corruption 25% Sharpshooter Faster Projectile / Charge Time +60 Bushwhack Damage +2 Acorn Shot Bounces +40% Scurry Evasion When Active -3s Bushwhack Cooldown | |
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选手名 | KDA | 正补/反补 | 经济 | 每分钟金钱 | 每分钟经验 | 输出 | 输出占比 | 物品 | |
17 | 4/7/8 | 165 / 3 | 14.7K | 376 | 436 | 19.2K | 19% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 2 Sleight of Fist Charges -12s Remnant Charge Restore Time +55 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage +1 Searing Chains Target +1s Searing Chains Duration +50 Flame Guard DPS +12 Damage +200 Flame Guard Barrier Amount | |
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17 | 4/5/13 | 68 / 0 | 12.1K | 311 | 426 | 19.7K | 19% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +25% Greater Bash Damage Bulldoze 500 All Damage Barrier +175 Charge of Darkness Bonus Speed +13% Greater Bash Chance +40 Damage -4s Bulldoze Cooldown +4 Armor +500 Night Vision | |
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17 | 4/10/9 | 121 / 4 | 12.7K | 325 | 409 | 37.1K | 36% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 2.5x Plague Ward HP/Damage Noxious Plague Aura reduces 200 Attack Speed Gale Creates Plague Wards +1.5% Noxious Plague Max HP Damage -1s Plague Ward Cooldown +8% Poison Sting Slow 20% Poison Sting Health Regen Reduction -5s Venomous Gale CD | |
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15 | 3/14/11 | 36 / 0 | 9.5K | 242 | 342 | 13.2K | 13% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 Chain Frost Unlimited Bounces Frost Shield Provides +50 HP Regen +100 Chain Frost Damage +4s Frost Shield Duration +0.4s Sinister Gaze Duration -3s Frost Blast Cooldown +150 Frost Blast Radius and Damage +10% Frost Shield Damage Reduction | |
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18 | 3/5/10 | 189 / 7 | 15.7K | 401 | 488 | 11.5K | 11% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +1s Omnislash Duration +2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill +50% Blade Dance Lifesteal +150 Blade Fury DPS -20s Healing Ward Cooldown +1s Blade Fury Duration +5 All Stats +100 Blade Fury Radius | |
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选手名 | KDA | 正补/反补 | 经济 | 每分钟金钱 | 每分钟经验 | 输出 | 输出占比 | 物品 | |
22 | 6/1/9 | 280 / 31 | 24.8K | 635 | 676 | 19.7K | 16% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 3x Quas/Wex/Exort passive effects Radial Deafening Blast +2 Chaos Meteors +30 Alacrity Damage/Speed +50 Forged Spirit Attack Speed -8s Cold Snap Cooldown +50 Ice Wall DPS -6s Tornado Cooldown | |
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20 | 5/5/11 | 268 / 11 | 20.4K | 523 | 569 | 16.7K | 13% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 -40% Waveform Cooldown +35 Strength +0.8s Adaptive Strike Stun Duration Waveform Attacks Targets +15 Agility +16s Morph Duration +250 Waveform Range +15% Magic Resistance | |
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19 | 2/7/23 | 44 / 6 | 13.0K | 334 | 530 | 10.0K | 8% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 Magnetize Undispellable +0.5s Rolling Boulder Stun Duration -2s Geomagnetic Grip Cooldown +125 Boulder Smash Damage +25% Magnetize Damage & Duration +120 Rolling Boulder Damage +325 Rolling Boulder Distance +8% Spell Amplification | |
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22 | 20/2/9 | 187 / 5 | 25.1K | 643 | 722 | 46.4K | 38% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +3 Overpower Attacks Enrage provides half benefits to allies in a 700 radius +12 Fury Swipes Damage -2s Earthshock Cooldown +10% Enrage Status Resistance Earthshock Applies 2 Fury Swipes +1.75 Mana Regen +20s Fury Swipes Reset Time | |
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22 | 8/4/14 | 184 / 3 | 20.5K | 525 | 682 | 27.9K | 23% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +8% Impetus Damage +20 Nature's Attendants Heal +30% Enchanted Creep Health/Damage +-65 Untouchable Attack Slow +5 Nature's Attendants Wisps +45 Damage +8% Magic Resistance +30 Movespeed during Nature's Attendants | |
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