近期赛果 1:0Atomic México 0:1Team Aze 1:0Janus Esports 0:1Six Karma 0:1Respawn Esports 1:0Naguara Mexico 0:1Tomorrow Esports 0:1Osaka 1:0DSC3V 0:1Waia Snikt 0:1Fuego 0:1Tomorrow Esports
双方近期交手 DDH 2021 ClosingKings of the North1 : 0Janus EsportsBO1 DDH 2021 ClosingKings of the North1 : 0Janus EsportsBO1 DDH 2021 OpeningKings of the North1 : 0Janus EsportsBO1 DDH 2021 OpeningKings of the North1 : 0Janus EsportsBO1