近期赛果 1:2Team MagMa 1:1Phoenix Gaming 2:0Galaxy Racer 1:1Rebirth 1:1Ink Ice 0:0Team MagMa 0:2Team SMG 2:0Execration 2:0Motivate.Trust Gaming 2:0Polaris Esports 2:0Army Geniuses 2:0OB Esports x Neon
双方近期交手 Perfect World Dota2 联赛 赛季 2 - Division AFor The Dream2 : 0Galaxy RacerBO2 Perfect World Dota2 联赛 赛季 1 - Division AFor The Dream2 : 0Galaxy RacerBO3 Perfect World Dota2 联赛 - Division AFor The Dream2 : 0Galaxy RacerBO2